Couples Therapy. Working together to re-connect & resolve relationship problems

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“Love isn't something natural. Rather it requires discipline, concentration, patience, faith, and the overcoming of narcissism. It isn't a feeling, it is a practice.”

Erich Fromm

Couples Therapy may be the solution you are looking for

  • If you feel disconnected from your partner

  • If you feel isolated in your relationship

  • If you and your partner frequently behave in ways to create distance from each other

  • If you and your partner frequently turn small disagreements into arguments with difficulty reaching a shared solution

  • If you or your partner have difficulty moving forward from past events

  • When your friends and family cannot help you reflect on your problems in perspectives

  • When speaking to others have not increased your peace and confidence in your ability to enhance your relationship

As a relationship therapist, I am here to help you navigate the most challenging aspects of your relationship. I specialise in helping couples to re-connect, rebuild the foundation for mutual trust and intimacy, and heal from the hurt of past conflicts.

Couples Counseling provides you and your partner with a safe and non-judgemental space where you can come together to explore and understand your feelings toward problematic relationship patterns and learn new ways of interacting and communicating. My therapeutic approach is individualised and tailored to the needs of each couple, ensuring that they can move forward, as a couple, as friends, or as co-parents, with confidence.

Jerodine Newman, Psychologist, Koira Psychology - Gold Coast

Working Together

FAQs about Couples Therapy

  • Couples Therapy works most effectively when the therapist and both partners can develop a therapeutic connection to communicate openly and honestly.

    It is my responsibility as your relationship psychologist to encourage you and your partner to share your opinions about any concerns you may have with your relationship, especially with issues both of you may find difficult and sensitive to bring up without support. I will seek permission to talk with each partner about their concerns in relation to their own internal problems. It is through the process of developing a deeper understanding of youself and of your partner that new ways of connecting to self, others, the past and the present are created together.

  • One of the main goals of Couples Therapy is to increase self-awareness and understanding of each partner. Depending on the issues with a couples' relationship and the self and joint discovery process, it is possible for partners to move forward together as a couple with renewed commitment to ecah other; while it is also equally possible for partners to move forward as friends with renewed respect and acceptance. Couples who are parents to dependent children who wish to renew their relationship as friends will be encouraged to attend Family Therapy sessions to build a stronger family system going forward

  • Couples Therapy can be conducted remotely via a Telehealth access platform. Currently, COVIU provides our Telehealth services. You will receive a web link by email/sms before your session time.

  • Yes, it is possible to have a therapy session in this format. However, when couples attend sessions separately from each other, their sense of partnership is reduced. Mostly, couples benefitted more from attending sessions together from one location as this gives them the opportunity to have a dialogue in real time (without potential technical delays and interruptions), discuss issues with courage and respect, and support each other as a team.

Couple on a bridge koira psychology

“Love rests on two pillars: surrender and autonomy. Our need for togetherness exists alongside our need for separateness.”

Esther Perel

couple holding hands Koira
couple exploring koira

If you have any questions about couples therapy at Koira?